Monday, 20 April 2015

Wargames Room progress

It's a while since I last gave an update on the progress of the dream wargaming rooms, so I thought I'd post a few pictures. In summary things are moving steadily forward, and the design of the finished rooms is much more advanced.

The all important bathroom. You don't want to be making crucial tactical decisions if you're distracted. The missing tiles are for wall units. Lesson learnt just tile behind wall units. Old houses don't have level walls so our wall units that looked OK when we test positioned them now look like a couple of leaning towers of Pisa. Solved by just moving them slightly away from the wall, except that now that shows the bare plaster. Bother!

Discovered pink painted floor board under the carpet. This will be removed. Not that I'm against pink but I need to replace the floorbaords due to some rot. This room will have figure and terrain storage and a 6x4 board.

The interconnecting doorways have been studded ready for plaster boarding. This room will  be the main figure storage and house a 6x8 board.

The painting area hasn't changed much apart from the old ensuite doorways have been blocked up. The boards on the floor are to hide holes and perhaps more importantly stop people falling through. The holes are tiny compared to the boards I used.  One hole being foot sized. As is the hole in the bathroom ceiling below.

The office/study has a lot less in it since I last shared a photograph. Noticeably the ceiling. I have to take all of the down to straighten and strengthen the ceilings.

The floor in the office/study was painted light blue. A 150 years of sooty deposits released by removing the ceiling sorted that colour out.
I like my new scaffolding...

... As does Jess
Max on the other hand is not bothered and would like to know when I will be coming down to feed him


  1. Crikey! That's not a wargames room, that's a wargames complex! Very impressive :-)
