Tuesday, 5 January 2016

The Xmas loot 2015

Santa gifted me a nice haul  of miniatures and books both hard copy and on Kindle.

I received the latest(ish) X Wing Miniatures releases - I am now only 1 wave behind and a Imperial Raider short. I am now also caught up with the Star Wars Armada. The Star Destroyer is huge. I'm really looking forward to playing with these.

My historical book haul was pretty good, with Santa surprising me with some excellent choices. Missing from the picture was a late arrival which was Michael Embree's book on the 1866 campaign in southern Germany. Both Embree books are full of lovely illustrations and the 1866 book has a lot of uniform plates. I've jumped in to reading 'The Ottoman Endgame' which I'm really enjoying.

On Kindle my wife, sorry I mean Santa chose the lasted John Scalzi novel I hadn't noticed was out in 'paperback'  and some great pulp Sci fi and Zombie books.

Lucky me.