For the club game in February meeting I put on a game using 2 casts I hadn't used before The Beat and Crime. I also used the Double Agent character from the Shiva pack, because she looked fun.
Episode 1 'The Trumpton Job' saw a hastily organised stake out grabbing officers from where ever to try and catch the gang in the act. Our hero's didn't know where on Trumpton's high street the gang were going to strike.
The tough detective in charge (Gaz) placed 2 under cover PC's on the street while everyone else waited in the car or the van. The PC disguised as a security guard hid behind a roof top sign and the the other PC strolled the street.
Action started after a loud bang and shop alarms going off all over the place. 2 passed mind scores saw the beat focusing on the electrical store and the bank.
Inside the electrical store the underworld boss Elvis (controled by Tony), his code named for the job, regretted the fact Black and Decker hadn't been available as his examined the lack of wall between the bank and store. Boom Brenda the explosives expert on the other hand was enjoying herself.
Having the initiative Elvis's faithful lackey Ardama pushed the kidnapped bank manager towards his office. Elvis and Brenda followed. The Dai brothers headed for the roof of the store. Since there were no obvious stairs mind tests were needed to get up there. Luckily the brothers were led by Daivina and scrambled up.
Biggles, Algy ,and Ginger went to the front of the store realised the roof would be a better vantage point and headed there. The rest of the episode is told in pictures...
The crime cast before going on set |
The Beat |
The Beat |
Trumpton High Street. The undercover PC is on the roof. The other PC is by the bus. A bystander is walking her dog across the road. The Police car is hiding behind a container and the van has yet to enter shot. |
Inside the electrical store Brenda was only supposed to blow a mouse hole through the wall. The roof has been removed and placed behind and you can see the Dai brothers led by Daivina their sister lining the roof |
View from the bank managers office |
Off to the first objective - the code to release the vault |
Frank the bank manager was not having a good day. Ardama looking good in his jump suit and shades. |
Our heroes rush to the sound of the bang |
PC Killian backs up the undercover cop trying to get in to the Electrical store |
The Tough detective takes an objective |
The Police van stops to question the Group 4 van |
Clint's mind test deduces Group 4 are innocent bystanders. Tony playing the crime gang had been given the option to use this as his getaway vehicle but turned it down for the coach. |
Billy and her dog crossing the road. She'd failed a mind test to move directly away from the bank |
Aerial shot |
The Dai brother having failed to get on the bank's roof opened up on PC Killian. Biggles, Algy, Ginger and Dredd have moved twice to arrive at the roof's edge. Tony then played the double agent card swapped the under cover PC for his character and scored the only successful shot on our heroine |
PC Killian caught in the open |
The rest of the squad screech up in the van and jump out to cover PC Killian's escape. Unfortunately she failed her body test to get over the fence |
The 2 drugs squad members try to force the driver of the bus to get out, weakening him |
Clint in the foreground hurrys to catch up with everyone else having secured another objective. Billy looses her head and scatters in a random direction with patch running in the opposite direction |
Meanwhile in the bank the drugs squad shoot out a window and use a grapple gun to swing through it landing on the balcony. The Riot squad on the 3rd attempt batter the door down followed in by PC Tubby. They're all confronted with criminals on fire from (an events card) the burst gas pipe ruptured by Brenda's explosion. |
Ardama gets the vault open and fires at the drugs squad. Fred's day is just getting better |
The under cover PC head across the roof to an objective. He's trying to redeem himself after taking a bribe from Elvis to take a shot at his boss. He missed, and got away with it. Gaz was not impressed with the level of corruption in the Trumpton Police force. |
How did Elvis get here? Bad script writing is how. The stars swap. Elvis lands in the street takes shots from everyone is hurt. Scooby the Police dog gives chase. In the bank the tough detective appears by the vault door guns down Brenda and Daivina |
The End.
On the day it was declared a draw, but since the Group 4 van got away as was classed a bystander The Beat get one more VP. So victory went to Gaz playing The Beat. Poor Tony was robbed by the cards.