Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Out with the old, in with the new

Happy New Year to everyone!

In 2013 I have...
... managed 70 posts, possible 71 if I finish my AAR later.
... played 13 games:
1 x 7TV, 1 x Doctor Who Miniatures Game (which is 7TV for Dr Who),  2 x X Wing,  3 x Black Powder Napoleonic, 5 x Battle Group games
... completed:
1 x 42 man 28mm French Napoleonic battalion
2 x 24 man 25mm British Crimean War battalions
1 x 24 man 25mm Russian Crimean War battalion
24 x 28mm Cybermen
16 x 28mm Weeping Angels
3 x 28mm Dr Who figures (Amy, Rory and the Doctor)
1 x 28mm Tardis
1 x 28mm Clyde Puffer ship
1 x 28mm Sports Cruiser ship
10 x 20mm to 28mm telegraph poles
6 x 20mm to 28mm street lamps
50 plus trees with bases
3 x 28mm Yurts
1 x 28mm Star Gate
1 x 28mm tunnelling machine
6 x 28mm barbed wire barricades
1 x Graveyard set from Ainsty Castings
... nearly finished:
3 x 24 man 25mm British Crimean War Guards Brigade (These would be finished but I was banned from painting over Christmas, apparently I'm messy)
1 x 28mm post box whose final matt varnish went flaky
... based and undercoated:
2 x 24 man 25mm Russian Crimean War battalions
Approx. 10 x 28mm fantasy figures
Approx. 100 x 28mm Sci Fi figures
Approx. 100 x 28mm Very British Civil War figures
Approx. 10 x 28mm Pulp figures
Approx. 10 x 15mm Sci Fi figures
... attended 7 wargames shows
... kept within budget

Wow, when I started writing this list I didn't think it would be so long. I've completed more stuff than I remember which is quite gratifying. Not surprisingly for me, it does bring home that although I've not listed it I've purchased much more than I've completed.

So what's the aims for 2014. Well , I'd like to...
... complete enough of my Crimean War armies to have a game
... try out my idea to create a house from a cat food box, some flecked spray paint, card and mdf windows and doors.
... maintain a similar number of the blog posts, shows attended and games played.
... sell some stuff
... keep purchases within budget and from the 'list' of things I need


  1. That's an impressive tally, a Happy New Year to you too.

  2. Happy New Year.

    70 posts? Puts me to shame.

  3. That's an impressive output. Keeping on budget is always a problem isn't it.

  4. I want to know how many of those figures were done by that helpful looking cat on your blog background. I figure you must have had help to manage that prodigious output.
    All the best in 2014.
