Thursday, 24 October 2013

War gamers nightmare

While putting away figures to get ready for Saturdays game the unthinkable happened. In slow motion 2 really useful boxes slid from their precarious perch down a hill and off the edge of the board. Both boxes hit dislodging their lids. The air was still as I stared quietly at the results. Gathering myself I crawled on the floor to the nearest box. All was OK. Phew. The next box was carnage. My collection of original womble space marines were in smithereens and my Platoon 20 Aliens were either snapped off the base, wait for it... at the LEGS or their mouth/tongues were snapped off. Aaaaargh.

I recounted this sorry tale of youth destroyed to my wife. I ended on a positive that they could be fixed. She heard 'only played with about 3 times' and pointed out that meant I had too much stuff.

Moral of this story, do not mention frequency of play regarding items you will not part with. Feeling misunderstood we sat down for a cuppa to discuss her day. Moral fibre restored!


  1. My heart bleeds with you.

    Re Platoon 20, have a look at this for my personal, all-too-similar experience.

    ...and yet lemons were made into lemonade:-

    Cheers, Simon

  2. Never expect gaming sympathy from wive or girlfriends.

  3. I feel your pain brother, women can be quiet heartless!

  4. Ouch! Brought a tear of sympathy to my eye, at least!

  5. Three thoughts (and I am now feeling dizzy)

    1) That is a lot of pain

    2) Other halves and gaming, they are not a good mix. The hobby is a great way to escape "domestic bliss." Best not lets worlds collide. If you have something you need to get out, blog it.

    3) Sounds like a perfect excuse to buy more stuff

  6. id probably wouldn't even bother taking a look into the box and would have just thrown it away without a thought passing by.

  7. Thanks for your support folks. Simon I like your repair idea. Cheers

  8. Ouch. Hopefully they are salvageable. You came to the right place for sympathy. Most of ours wives etc will never understand. We don't leave a man behind.
