I missed this show last year so I was pleased to make this year. It's a great venue with loads of space to go around the games and stalls plus there is good parking. There is a cafe but I took a pack up which I then didn't eat as I was enjoying myslef too much looking at the gaming eye candy and chatting to folks.
I managed to see all the traders I wanted and ask the questions that I had.
I was pleased to hear that PSC are bringing out a plastic SU76 set, and hopefully by August their German half track modification set. I was after KV1s and SU122s but it sounds that they're not likely in 20mm. However I look up the Pegasus tip to see what there models a like. I also found out that Allied half tracks will also get an upgrade set but that will be some point in the future. The PSC Panther with Zimmerite and the M5 half tack looked great, shame I have loads already.
Empress Miniatures range looked brilliant as always. I liked Tsuba's Russo Japanese figures that they carry, and the Westphalian Miniatures Freikorps (which I managed to resist buying). The Freikorps struck me as a quirky addition to the Bavarian-Scottish Lord of the Isles faction in VBCW. I mean the officer has a Daschund that has to be a must, so they'll get added to the list of acquisition. I did buy some much needed Zulu generals to manage my plastic impis.
I managed to pick up a lovely coffee table book on French flags from Paul Meekins books. It finally answered my questions on battalion flags for the Napoleonic wars. It is published by Histoire et Collections and is up to their usual glossy standard.
In talking to Warwick Kinrade at the Battle Group Overlord demo game I learnt that the Fall of the Reich supplement should be out in the Autumn and will cover forces for the east and west from Jan '45 to May '45. Going forward they hope publish 2 supplements a year.
Here's piccies of the games I saw:
Ostrowono by L'Orde Mixte Napoleonic Club. 25/28mm figures fighting in Russia. Lots of lovely cavalry. |
Ostrowono by L'Orde Mixte Napoleonic Club |
Ostrowono by L'Orde Mixte Napoleonic Club |
Ostrowono by L'Orde Mixte Napoleonic Club |
Ostrowono by L'Orde Mixte Napoleonic Club |
Ostrowono by L'Orde Mixte Napoleonic Club |
British Legion Charity game of HG Wells Little Wars. Very nostalagic, although I've never played this way my Dad collected this kind of toy soldier. |
British Legion Charity game of HG Wells Little Wars. Britian v Germany 1913 |
British Legion Charity game of HG Wells Little Wars |
British Legion Charity game of HG Wells Little Wars |
British Legion Charity game of HG Wells Little Wars |
British Legion Charity game of HG Wells Little Wars |
British Legion Charity game of HG Wells Little Wars |
British Legion Charity game of HG Wells Little Wars |
10 Rounds Rapid by Wargames Development a WW1 game |
28mm Italian Wars Cerignola 1503 by the Ilkley Lads |
28mm Italian Wars Cerignola 1503 by the Ilkley Lads |
28mm Italian Wars Cerignola 1503 by the Ilkley Lads |
28mm Italian Wars Cerignola 1503 by the Ilkley Lads |
28mm Italian Wars Cerignola 1503 by the Ilkley Lads. Fantastic painted figures and all the flags are hand painted. Helpful chaps gave me some good advice on how to do my flags. |
28mm Italian Wars Cerignola 1503 by the Ilkley Lads. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. Brilliant game. Lots to see and ogle at. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. Hanzel and Gretels house deep in the German woods. I almost missed this, but once you've found it well you really stands out. |
28mm Gross Beren 1813 by Like A Stonewall. |
1/32 Stop the Truck (Mad Max) by the Rotherham Wargames Society. This was a great set up with video playing on 'clean' scenes from Mad Max 2 and mood lighting, plus the hosts were all suitably attired. |
1/32 Stop the Truck (Mad Max) by the Rotherham Wargames Society. |
1/32 Stop the Truck (Mad Max) by the Rotherham Wargames Society. |
1/32 Stop the Truck (Mad Max) by the Rotherham Wargames Society. |
1/32 Stop the Truck (Mad Max) by the Rotherham Wargames Society. |
28mm Empire of the Dead by game by MDK Gamers. Lots of lovely West Wind figures, and some not West Wind. |
28mm Empire of the Dead by game by MDK Gamers |
28mm Empire of the Dead by game by MDK Gamers |
28mm Empire of the Dead by game by MDK Gamers |
28mm WW2 Bolt Action game by Warlord Games |
28mm WW2 Bolt Action game by Warlord Games. A Maus. Funnily enough I asked the Battle Group Overlord chaps whether their Fall of the Reich supplement would have stats for a Maus and the answer was sadly no. In fairness they had soound historical facts to back up it's exclusion. |
28mm WW2 Bolt Action game by Warlord Games |
28mm Big Trouble at Fort Pippin game using Eureka Miniatures by Brompton Bankers who were friendly and proudly showed my their Ermintrude cow figure. They were pleased I knew who Ermintrude was, which is a character in a oft repeated British children's stop animation show called Magic Roundabout. Apparently some of the younger gamers didn't have a clue! |
28mm Big Trouble at Fort Pippin game using Eureka Miniatures. |
Action in Platville 1763 using 30mm fiures hosted by Ilkley Old School |
Action in Platville 1763 using 30mm fiures hosted by Ilkley Old School. Off table figures on display. |
Action in Platville 1763 using 30mm fiures hosted by Ilkley Old School |
Action in Platville 1763 using 30mm fiures hosted by Ilkley Old School. These are figures off table on display. |
Action in Platville 1763 using 30mm fiures hosted by Ilkley Old School. |
Feast for Crows a 28mm Saga game by the Mosborough Old Boys. |
Feast for Crows a 28mm Saga game by the Mosborough Old Boys. |
28mm Wild West Dead Man's Hand game by Great Escape Games |
1/144th Battle of Tver Sci Fi by the KB Club. Showcasing 3D printed figures and paper terrain. |
10mm ACW Drainsvill 21 Dec 1861 by Glory Boys |
1/72 Modern by the KB Club |
28mm Relics game by a host I didn't catch the name of. |
28mm Relics game by a host I didn't catch the name of. |
28mm Napoleonic Peninsular skirmish game by Derby Wargames Society. |
28mm Napoleonic Peninsular skirmish game by Derby Wargames Society. |
28mm Napoleonic Peninsular skirmish game by Derby Wargames Society. |
28mm Napoleonic Peninsular skirmish game by Derby Wargames Society. |
28mm Napoleonic Peninsular skirmish game by Derby Wargames Society. |
28mm Napoleonic Peninsular skirmish game by Derby Wargames Society. |
28mm Napoleonic Peninsular skirmish game by Derby Wargames Society. |
28mm Invaders from Mars Pulp game by the Leeds Wargames Society. I loved the Pegasus Martian Tripods |
28mm Invaders from Mars Pulp game by the Leeds Wargames Society |
28mm Invaders from Mars Pulp game by the Leeds Wargames Society. Nice war memorial by Sergeants Mess. |
28mm Invaders from Mars Pulp game by the Leeds Wargames Society. Ack Ack Ack |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. Lovely Empress Miniature figures. |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. |
28mm 1st Maori War 1840-8 by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers. |
28mm Cowboys vs Zombies by Sheffield and Rotherham Wargamers |
20mm WW2 Battle Group Overlord hosted by the author Warwick Kinrade. |
20mm Battle Group Overlord hosted by the author Warwick Kinrade. |
20mm Battle Group Overlord hosted by the author Warwick Kinrade. |
20mm Battle Group Overlord hosted by the author Warwick Kinrade. |
20mm Battle Group Overlord hosted by the author Warwick Kinrade. |
20mm Battle Group Overlord hosted by the author Warwick Kinrade. |
15mm Lutzen 1813 v Company of Veterans |
15mm Lutzen 1813 v Company of Veterans |
Large scale remote control tanks battling it out. This was great fun to watch. |
Large scale remote control tanks battling it out. |
Large scale remote control tanks battling it out. |
6mm Greek City State Wars in classical Greece by West Craven Wargames Club. They were using the Paen rules, which if I read the sign right are free to download. |
15mm A Popular City on the Volga by Christopher Bellamy. |
28mm Fun in the Sand a colonial Sudan game by Derby Wargames Society |
28mm Fun in the Sand a colonial Sudan game by Derby Wargames Society |
28mm Fun in the Sand a colonial Sudan game by Derby Wargames Society |
28mm Fun in the Sand a colonial Sudan game by Derby Wargames Society |
28mm Fun in the Sand a colonial Sudan game by Derby Wargames Society |
28mm Fun in the Sand a colonial Sudan game by Derby Wargames Society |
28mm Fun in the Sand a colonial Sudan game by Derby Wargames Society |
1/144 WW1 aerial combat by Wings of Glory Aerodrome |
EWM - Early War Miniatures had this cheap (in my opinion) trench terrain which I thought worthy of future consideration. If I read the sign right this lot would be £32. I didn't take a picture of the painted version but it looked good. |
EWM again. I recognised the road which I think I have but I purchased it from another manufacturer. Again this looked good. I use my road for 20mm and 28mm games. |
28mm Wild West game I didn't note the hosts by they were all suitably dressed up. |
28mm Wild West game I didn't note the hosts by they were all suitably dressed up. |
28mm Wild West game I didn't note the hosts by they were all suitably dressed up. |
Dystopian Wars naval by Burton & District Wargamers |
Dystopian Wars naval by Burton & District Wargamers |
Dystopian Wars naval by Burton & District Wargamers |
Dystopian Wars naval by Burton & District Wargamers |
Dystopian Wars naval by Burton & District Wargamers |
15mm WW2 Flames of War by COGS |
28mm Zombie Plague by the Forest Outlaws |
15mm England Invaded 1778 by Doncaster Wargames Society |
20mm Costa Rica by Abbey Wood |
20mm Costa Rica by Abbey Wood |
20mm Costa Rica by Abbey Wood |
20mm Costa Rica by Abbey Wood |
28mm Indochina game by COGS |
28mm Indochina game by COGS |
10mm Dropzone Commander by Hawk Games. The city scape they do looked great. |
6mm painting masterclass by Dr Mike's painting clinic. Stunning stuff. I can only appreciate it using the zoom on the PC back home. Without my classes at the show I didn't have a hope. |
6mm painting masterclass by Dr Mike's painting clinic. |