The collection has finally moved in to it's new long term home, currently named the Barracks. Fancy storage units aren't in place yet but at least I can see what I've got.
The horde finished and unfinished ordered by army and period:
left to right on far wall 1879AD to 1800AD, with 1945 to 1880s hidden by the chair. |
On the far wall left to right 1783AD to 1300BC, and 1 column of Middle Earth, 1 of Scifi then 1 of fantasy/scifi to be completed. |
1879 to 1800 |
Right to left 1945 to 1953, X Wing, Armada, Full Thrust fleet, Pulp (1914 to post apocalyptic). Pulp is separated as they are my skirmish size collections rather than armies. |
Now that I can easily get at the horde I decided to review the lead/plastic horde and see what I roughly have left to complete. I counted boxes and estimated the number of figures etc inside rather than count each individual figure - joyful as that may have been.
The results:
20mm, 25mm, 28mm, 32mm infantry, cavalry and artillery -
Approx. 5000
1/72 and 1/48 aircraft -
1/72, 1/56 motorised vehicles -
Approx. 50
1/100 ships -
Wow. I new I had a lot to do, but it's been 3 years since I packed some of this stuff up in the move so it's volume has been out of sight till now, and as a good wargamer I have added to the mountain since (and I'm pretty sure I will keep doing so).
Awaiting their room to be ready - the terrain boxes:
Next room to finish - not the home for the terrain but The Board Room - where I plan to build a 12x6 board made up of 6x4 sections.