Headed south yesterday to meet up with chums and travel on to Reading to visit the Warfare show put on by the Wargames Association of Reading. I'd been to this show once before in my teens and it is still at the same venue. Overall it was a great day out plus I managed to purchase a book I'd been after for ages.
The first hurdle I had to overcome was the threat of a fine my rendezvous location had plastered everywhere if you did what I wanted to do which was park the car and transfer to another. Well that wasn't the actual threat but you get the drift, being naturally risk adverse this did play on my mind a little for the day. I am obviously not that risk adverse as I left the car there anyway, and it payed off as I wasn't clamped or ticketed when we got back. Hurrah! or more Phew!
Nattering on the way down my kindly volunteer driver for the next 2 1/2 hours was on the look out for 15mm tanks for Russians, British and Germans. My other companion just wanted a browse and a visual feast. As for myself I had my trusty list, see previous post.
The wonders of SatNav got us there in good time (11ish), and after a bit of messing about, and choice words about ample parking we managed to park up. In defence of the venue there was lots of parking but it was full. No one directed cars to where the few spaces were and some spaces were blocked off. Luckily for us on our second three point turn at a dead end the last remaining section was opened and we squeezed in!
Entrance to the venue was nice and easy and well organised. I liked the use of badges to show you'd payed to get in so you could easily pop out to place loot in the car, or visit one of the food facilities not in the halls. We quickly saw wargaming glitterati such as Henry Hyde of Battlegames and Miniature Wargames, Guy Bowers of Wargame Soldiers and Strategy plus Kevin Dallimore the legendary painter.
The layout was good, and more rooms were used than when I'd last visited. The main hall was almost exclusively for traders with very few demo games, and boy were they packed in. If an average wargaming gentleman with back pack stopped to look at stand, and dare I say it bend down for a closer look the aisle was blocked, or if two people side by side looked at opposite stalls you had the same effect. This didn't put me off and I found everyone polite. One of my colleagues however was barged a couple of times and calming words of we're not in the north now had to be used.
The bring and buy was the best I've been to in a while. We went in here first. There was plenty of space, and the goods were nicely arranged by period/genre and to a degree scale. Our hero driver hoovered up lots of really nicely painted, and priced, tanks very quickly getting most of his list at the first stop with the added bonus there were ready to play. I was tempted my a 20mm Puma and sdkz222 which beefs up my German scouting assets and replaces a broken one.
The remaining rooms were for competitions and demo games. I loved the use of squash courts for one of the competitions.
Squash court 1 with a fantasy competition being battled out. I assumed this was the Warhammer Fantasy Battle competition. |
Squash court 2 and more of the same. |
Squash court 3. These chaps had the challenge of playing under temporary lights or may be it was night fighting. |
The main benefit for me for heading south for a show was a chance to see some suppliers who don't make it up north much. I got to chat to the owner of
Gringo 40s Ged Cronin, who was a really nice chap describing himself as a wargamer first rather than in it for the money. I wanted to see the size difference between his figures and my Foundry collection. Firstly Gringo 40s are larger, probably by 2 to 3mm, but are absolutely beautiful figures. The troop type range for Maximilian is also larger with more to come, particularly cavalry. A future investment I think.
I had a look at RH Models. I'd last seen these at SELWG in 2000 (I think) when I purchased a load of Korean War Chinese. Their website doesn't have many pictures so it was good to see these ranges back in the flesh, although no Korean War stuff to see. The figures look better than I remember them, and I overheard the gentleman running the stand telling a customer they are going through some remoulding at the moment. I was going to link to their web page but found another site with their latest releases on which explained that the main site is under going an overhaul.
RH Models WW2 20mm figures |
RH Models post 1945 to 1990s 20mm |
RH Models 20mm Hungarian for those prewar WW2 border disputes and Barbarossa |
RH Models new 20mm modern Polish infantry |
RH Models 20mm Spanish Civil War range under the name Liberation Miniatures. If I remember correctly these were the first Spanish Civil War figures to come out. They'd go nicely with the new Minairons 20mm infantry and vehicles. |
It was also good to see
Crooked Dice and be served by the Kevin Dallimore. I spent a joyous amount here on 7TV Heros tokens and events cards, Savage school girls and the next set of not Blakes 7 figures. I also got to see a draft copy of
Other World Miniatures upcoming fantasy skirmish rules based on 7TV's action engine. This will not be a Crooked Dice product but I've had so much fun with this rule mechanism I'm looking forward to it coming out. Would you believe I've never played a dungeon crawl on the tabletop.
Naturally some of the regular faces from the shows I normally go to were there too. I discovered I hadn't missed
Magnetic Displays/Coritani at Derby Worlds as a fox took out the van. No one was hurt except the fox.
I caught up with
Curteys/1st Corps as well. It was interesting to discover that they were remoulding some of the old 1st Corps range including the original 28mm WW2 figures whose appearance launched a new scale for WW2. I was fascinated to know that they use the same designer/sculptor for all their ranges and he changes his style for Curteys', Kingmaker and 1st Corps. I have a nice collection of their Chinese Waring states figures and Mongols and Sung. Amongst other things they are currently broadening their Medieval range taking back to the Crusades. I liked their new Medieval camp and camp followers.
Urban Constructs' Sci Fi terrain. I saw this in Derby as a game but my pictures were blurred so here it is on their stand showing off what it can be used for. |
Now pictures of all the different games I saw:
Society of Ancients 28mm Carrhae 53BC using Lost Battles |
Society of Ancients 28mm Carrhae 53BC using Lost Battles |
Society of Ancients 28mm Carrhae 53BC using Lost Battles |
Society of Ancients 28mm Carrhae 53BC using Lost Battles |
Lance and Longbow Society's 40mm War of the Roses |
This was taken in the bring and buy hall and the game was in the Bowling hall. |
Peter Pig Long Ships |
Gripping Beast's SAGA in their Great Hall top of picture and Jugula a Roman gladiatorial game. |
Gripping Beast's SAGA in their Great Hall top of picture and Jugula a Roman gladiatorial game. |
Batman Miniatures game demo put on by Simple Miniatures. Free download rules on the web. The figures were really nice but expensive, but I suppose you don't need lots. The game seemed quite straight forward and atmospheric. |
Batman Miniatures game demo put on by Simple Miniatures. |
Batman Miniatures game demo put on by Simple Miniatures. |
Batman Miniatures game demo put on by Simple Miniatures. |
Batman Miniatures game demo put on by Simple Miniatures. |
Freebooter game demo put on by Simple Miniatures. |
Freebooter game demo put on by Simple Miniatures. |
Freebooter game demo put on by Simple Miniatures. |
Wargames Emporium? demo game of a product they sell. I'd hoped I'd captured the name of the game in the photo but it's too blurred to read. I've seen this before and it has puppet/teddy bear/frog figures in AWI style dress against monsters. |
Shot of the Bowling Hall with demo and competition games. The flooring in here was treacherous as the carpet rucked up. |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game. Thud of bombs falling shake the camera! |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
Huntingdon and District Wargames Society with a WW2 54mm Stalingrad game |
A 28mm Samurai game. I didn't get the name of the hosts or the rules used but it looked great. The show brochure doesn't have the info either. |
A 28mm Samurai game. |
A 28mm Samurai game. |
A 28mm Samurai game. |
A 28mm Samurai game. |
Wings of War WW2 air combat |
Wings of War WW2 air combat |
Wings of War WW2 air combat |
15mm ACW Pickets charge |
15mm ACW Pickets charge |
15mm ACW Pickets charge. Reset to charge again |
Crooked Dice's 7TV demo game Not Blakes 7 |
Crooked Dice's 7TV demo game Not Blakes 7 |
Crooked Dice's 7TV demo game Not Blakes 7 |
Crooked Dice's 7TV demo game Not Blakes 7 |
Malifaux game demo |
Malifaux game demo |
Malifaux game demo |
Malifaux game demo. While I was off eating my pack up the chaps played this demo in their never ending search to understand the rules. This is a joy of demo's as they can introduce a game and help your own game play when you're still learning. Our designated driver lost. |
Malifaux game demo. Did I mention our designated driver lost. |
15mm Napoleonics. This is either South Oxford Generals or Hastings and St Leonards using Age of Eagles. |
Infinity demo game. Beautiful figures with Warmill terrain |
Infinity demo game. Beautiful figures with Warmill terrain |
Infinity demo game. Beautiful figures with Warmill terrain |
Infinity demo game. Beautiful figures with Warmill terrain |
WRG 6th edition competition in full swing |
WRG 6th edition competition in full swing |
54mm English Civil War. I think this is Devizes and District's Rearguard at Rowdeford |
54mm English Civil War. |
54mm English Civil War. |
W.A.R 28mm WW1 Latek Nek East Africa using Piquet |
W.A.R 28mm WW1 Latek Nek East Africa using Piquet |
W.A.R 28mm WW1 Latek Nek East Africa using Piquet |
Warm Acre games Spy of Die Trying |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt. Great terrain and figures |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
Christchurch Wargames 28mm Napoleon in Egypt |
15mm Age of Reason game. Crawley Wargames club Battle of Fraustadt 1706? |
15mm Age of Reason game |
15mm Age of Reason game |
15mm Great Northern War game |
15mm Great Northern War game |
W.A.R Yeti hunt |
Mad Gamers Zee? A 28mm zombie game |
Mad Gamers Zee? A 28mm zombie game |
Mad Gamers Zee? A 28mm zombie game |
54mm WW2 skirmish in the dessert |
54mm WW2 skirmish in the dessert |
54mm WW2 skirmish in the dessert |
54mm WW2 skirmish in the dessert |
28mm WW2 Chain of Command game The Night Before D-Day |
28mm WW2 Chain of Command game The Night Before D-Day |
28mm WW2 Chain of Command game The Night Before D-Day |
28mm WW2 Chain of Command game The Night Before D-Day |
Malvern Old Wargamers 28mm Ancients a battle of Heraclea 280BC |
Malvern Old Wargamers 28mm Ancients a battle of Heraclea 280BC |
Malvern Old Wargamers 28mm Ancients a battle of Heraclea 280BC |
Malvern Old Wargamers 28mm Ancients a battle of Heraclea 280BC |
Newbury and Reading Wargames Society 15mm Ancients Battle of Megiddo 1457BC |
Newbury and Reading Wargames Society 15mm Ancients Battle of Megiddo 1457BC |
Newbury and Reading Wargames Society 15mm Ancients Battle of Megiddo 1457BC |
RAF put on their Blakes 7 game |
Attack put on a Firestorm Armada game |
Attack put on a Firestorm Armada game |
Attack put on a Firestorm Armada game |
Attack put on a Firestorm Armada game |
Aylesbury Wargames Club Napoleon at War game |
Newbury and Reading Club 28mm ACW battle of Chancellorsville |
Newbury and Reading Club 28mm ACW battle of Chancellorsville |
Newbury and Reading Club 28mm ACW battle of Chancellorsville |
Newbury and Reading Club 28mm ACW battle of Chancellorsville |
Newbury and Reading Club 28mm ACW battle of Chancellorsville |
Newbury and Reading Club 28mm ACW battle of Chancellorsville |
Newbury and Reading Club 28mm ACW battle of Chancellorsville |
Competition games |
Prizes |
Competition games |
Competition games |
All in all a good show. The drive was a bit of a killer, not helped by horrendous traffic on the way home due to the junction for our rendezvous point to pick up my car was shut, then a wrong turn that put an extra hour on all our journeys!
I'm not sure I'd add this show to my annual visits but only due to the travelling. If it was closer then it would be worth it just to see the suppliers I normally don't get to see. If I'd did it again then I definitely aim to get their earlier.