I went to the Cannon show in Retford kindly organised by the
Retford Wargames Group. I'm not sure if these show has been held before, but it was only 20 minutes away and I had the time (well negotiated the time, and the budget with one who must be obeyed). Plus I'd dug us out of the snow yesterday.
The show was in Retford town hall, which was a beautiful building, and set up on 2 floors. Both floors were a mix of games and traders. The first stall that greeted in the hallway was a well presented and stocked Help for Heroes stand. The ground floor had the added bonus of having a very well priced and according to my friend tasty canteen set up in the corner. This was the busiest floor but still there was plenty of room to move around. Something I enjoy about the smaller shows is that you have the time to talk to traders you don't always get at the larger events.
The traders were really friendly. I learnt about pigments and their uses from
Great Escape Games and had a chat with
Midlam Miniatures who do some great Vampires and St.Bernards. On a snowy theme
Four A Miniatures do some cracking snow troopers. I also discovered
Minibits who do a great range of, well bits, but for me it was the bases that I needed.
Caliver drained my money on much need WW11 reinforcements and the new X Wing ships (they look beautiful). The great find of the show was a Zulu War book on native troops fighting for the Crown from the
Pendraken stand.
The bring and buy was quiet when I was there, but a joy to walk round without being crushed.
The standard of the games at the show were very high in my opinion. Here are my piccies. You'll guess my favorite games by the sheer number of photos.
Retford Wargames Club well manned Warhammer table |
Retford Wargames Club equally well manned Warhammer 40K table |
Wellington's First Battle - a book being promoted by a game using 15mm Minifigs and Black Powder rules (my rules of choice for the period). I regret not looking at the book but had a good chat with the author and game host. |
Wellington's First Battle - very effective Dutch terrain. A lot of the future generals of Waterloo fought at this battle. |
Wellington's First Battle - the French advance on the British |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game. I really liked this. Big board, game actually being played and lots of vignettes to look out for. Great. |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game - This recreated the Shangani Patrol of 34 British South Africa Company soldiers who were ambushed and annihilated by 3,000 plus Matabele warriors during the First Matabele War in 1893. Led by Major Allan Wilson, the patrol, also referred to as Wilson's Patrol, was attacked just north of the Shangani River in Matabeleland in Rhodesia (today Zimbabwe).
The keen eyed may spot the boards tribute to the 50th anniversary of Dr Who.
North Star's Shangani Patrol game - some of the animals found around the board |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game - Major Wilson's patrol has been split in two, the main stand is in the top righ t corner. |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game - Major Forbes's column in laager behind the swollen Shangani river. |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game - 2 famour Meercats look out. |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game - casualties |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game - great termite mounds. |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game |
North Star's Shangani Patrol game |
El Cid game by James Morris - full of eye candy and vignettes, plus really chatty hosts happy to tell you what's going on. The game was played with the Hail Caesar rules, my favorite ancient/medieval rules. |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris - I spy Sophia Loren |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
El Cid game by James Morris |
Warlord Games Bolt Action |
Warlord Games Bolt Action |
Warlord Games Bolt Action |
Great Escape Games' Dead Man's Had demo game on a great portable games board. The buildings on this game are laser cut MDF and looked great. |
Great Escape Games' Dead Man's Had demo game |
Great Escape Games' Dead Man's Had demo game |
Newark Irregulars put on a Dux Bellorum game that looked fun. I confess I spent more time looking at El Cid, but this did look good. |
Newark Irregulars Dux Bellorum game |
Newark Irregulars Dux Bellorum game |
'Like a Stonewall' Wargames Group put on this amazing French Indian Wars game. I loved the mountainous terrain and the snow and ice effects. Very appropriate to the weather outside. |
'Like a Stonewall' Wargames Group's French Indian Wars game - I didn't note the rules being used but the guys were having great fun. |
'Like a Stonewall' Wargames Group French Indian Wars game |
'Like a Stonewall' Wargames Group French Indian Wars game |
'Like a Stonewall' Wargames Group
French Indian Wars game |
'Like a Stonewall' Wargames Group
French Indian Wars game |
'Like a Stonewall' Wargames Group
French Indian Wars game |
'Like a Stonewall' Wargames Group
French Indian Wars game |
Doncaster Games Group - Monster Aargh! |
Forest Outlaws - Zombie Plague! |
Great little show. I'll go again.