Musings and ramblings of a wargamer who has decided to share my many photos of games played, shows visited and places of interest I've been too. I will first get all the photos loaded then I'll revisit and write up my notes, or more likely delve my memory. Plus over time I also want to write up scenario details of the games I've played and share new gaming ideas.
Friday, 14 April 2017
2014-03-30-cannon-show Post Restored
I've noticed a couple of my posts have had the links to the pictures fail. I'm pretty sure this happened a while ago while I was getting to grips between the switch over from Google Picassa to Google Photos. I store my photos in the cloud and on a hard drive and with the joys of auto back up from the hard drive and mobile devices I manage to get multiple copies of everything. I duly deleted said copies in 2014 and hay presto destroyed the links in a a view posts, but not all luckily.
So I've now finally restored my show report of Cannon in Retford to all it's glory!