Musings and ramblings of a wargamer who has decided to share my many photos of games played, shows visited and places of interest I've been too. I will first get all the photos loaded then I'll revisit and write up my notes, or more likely delve my memory. Plus over time I also want to write up scenario details of the games I've played and share new gaming ideas.
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Sheffield Triples today
In a last minute decision I am trekking over to Triples today. I have had a look at the website and their are loads of traders and the games look interesting. Do I start my WW2 Blitzkrieg French collection? Or pick up more X Wing gear, or Crimean War Brits or Zulu War volunteer horse? Or none of the above. The joy of last minute decisions to go on a road trip with some of the chaps from the Conwy Wargames Club is that I don't have my usual list prepared. As I type I've just remembered Crooked Dice will be there and the have not Cylons from not Battlestar Galactica. Right I am now off to raid the piggy bank!