Happy New Year to you all.
Getting ready for the new year it's always fun to see what I planned for 2014:
So what's the aims for 2014. Well , I'd like to...
... complete enough of my Crimean War armies to have a game
... try out my idea to create a house from a cat food box, some flecked spray paint, card and mdf windows and doors.
... maintain a similar number of the blog posts, shows attended and games played.
... sell some stuff
... keep purchases within budget and from the 'list' of things I need
Lets take this line by line:
complete enough of my Crimean War armies to have a game = No
try out my idea to create a house from a cat food box, some flecked spray paint, card and mdf windows and doors.= Nope, raw materials binned under orders from The Leader who refused to have them moved to the new house.
maintain a similar number of the blog posts, shows attended and games played= Yes - 98 posts, 6 shows attended, 10 games played,
sell some stuff = No, but I know what to sell
keep purchases within budget and from the 'list' of things I need = Yes to budget, and I always need what I buy...
Musings and ramblings of a wargamer who has decided to share my many photos of games played, shows visited and places of interest I've been too. I will first get all the photos loaded then I'll revisit and write up my notes, or more likely delve my memory. Plus over time I also want to write up scenario details of the games I've played and share new gaming ideas.
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Wargames Eyrie - Room 3 raw
The design for this room will definitely have a table and storage. Currently the thought is that it will be a 4ft x 4ft table and racks for the figure boxes. Before I thought of using the hall way which has better light I considered this room for the painting/assembly room.
Jess leading the way |
Jess pointing out that this door and stairs will be blocked up. |
The sink to be removed. |
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
2014-12-28 Hail Caesar - Rome vs Celts
On Sunday I had the delight of attending an irregular gathering of the Muffin Club, an off shoot of the Conwy Wargames Club.
The founder and host, Paul put on a 28mm Imperial Rome vs Celts game using Hail Caesar rules.
The Romans had wrecked a Druidic temple and the locals were not happy. Enough was enough and the locals had turned up to make the Romans go home. The Romans naturally wanted to civilise them.
8ft x 4ft flat heath land with a track yet to be paved by the Romans running up the middle. The aforementioned ruined temple was on the table edge.
Div 1 Army Commander 8
1st Cohort - large, drilled, elite, stubborn, tough fighters, testudo
2nd Cohort - all other cohorts standard Roman legionaries - drilled, testudo
3rd Cohort
4th Cohort
5th Cohort
Scorpion battery
Div 2 General 8
6th Cohort
7th Cohort
8th Cohort
9th Cohort
Scorpion battery
Div 3 General 8
1st Auxiliary - HI
2nd Auxiliary - HI
3rd Auxiliary - HI
1st Auxiliary Heavy Cavalry
All warbands Wild Fighters
Div 1 Army Commander 8
6 x Celtic warbands
2 x Celtic warbnads with Druids
1 x small unit of javelin skirmishers
1 x small unit of slinger skirmishers
Div 2 General 8
2 x Celtic warbands
4 x light horse
2 x small light horse skirmishers
Div 3 General 8
2 x Celtic warband
3 x Chariot units
1 x small unit of javelin skirmishers
The Game
Paul graciously agreed to umpire, I chose to be Roman and Dave was the Celts. I've never won with the Romans and I have never beaten the Romans, but since I normally pick the Celts I thought I'd play something different. All of us had played the rules but Dave and I were a bit rusty. Dave perhaps more than I.
I always feel a bit of pressure playing Romans as they need a bit of thought to get the best out of them and historically they did quite well.
I decided on a tactic to cope with being out numbered by refusing my flanks and creating a solid battle line. I placed Div 1 on the right as it's their honoured position. They were deployed in 2 rows. The other Divisions were deployed one behind the other in single unit line, with the Auxiliaries in front to take the first Celtic charges. I would lose the Auxiliaries quicker this way but they would tire the Celts ready for the fresh legionaries behind.
The Celts massed their chariots on one flank and the cavalry on the other with infantry in between. Their divisions were in 2 rows with the army generals division in the centre.
Turn 1
Celt's 2nd Div on their right. My left just in view. |
Celtic centre held by the 1st division |
Celtic left held by the 3rd division |
Celtic horde left, Romans on the right |
Romans battle line with Div 1 on the left and then 3 in front of 2. The 2nd Div Scorpions on lined up with the 2nd division. |
The temple the Romans wrecked earlier. |
First shot of the scorpions on the left flank push back the Celtic javelin men disordered. |
Spotted Celts ready to make a quick get away. My appeal to the umpire to penalise such cowardice fell on deaf hears. |
Dave's mounted javelin men shake my scorpion battery and push it back. |
This time I used initiative moves and charged my heavy cavalry in to the mounted javelin men who evade. I also moved up my 9th Cohort so that it could get in to a support position next turn. |
Dave's javelin finally gets in to range last turn and discover I can throw pilum just as far as he can throw javelins causing him a casualty. I save my hits. |
End of my turn |
Celtic slingers advance and loose causing a casualty |
The Auxiliaries advance, as do the out of shot 1st Division |
The Auxiliary charge doesn't have enough legs to charge home but skirmish at short range instead causing casualties. |
My victorious 2nd division ... |
... did I mention they'd broken a Celtic division |
.... rather enjoying the gaps where Celts used to be |
Overview |
The Celtic chariots bottled up in a corner and the Celtic centres left flank open for a charge by legionaries. |
Very pretty Wargames Factory Celtic chariots. |
Warlord Games legionaries |
The centre action. All Warlord Games plastics. |
Dave's defeated general |
Great game. My first win with Romans. My dice was great and didn't fail me during the game. After a rocky start where my lack of plan was saved by Dave;s tactics giving me a chance to come up with one. If perhaps Dave had used his light horse and chariots in open order from the start then the result would have been different. The Romans would definitely have suffered more casualties from missile fire and opportunities for flank and rear attacks would have presented themselves. In open order these Celtic units could have been easily maneuvered to support their warbands giving some extra dice in attack and defense.
I enjoyed Paul's umpiring because when the battle gets exciting I certainly forgot rules that would be useful to either side and I like to play fair. Each time a rule was pointed out I remembered it which was great but I wouldn't have if it had not been mentioned. Hail Caesar as always provided an entertaining game which was fluid and needed thought.
Thanks to Paul for hosting and providing tea and muffins and to Dave for being a great opponent.
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Merry Christmas everyone
Wargames Eyrie - Room 2
This room is at the rear of the house behind the HQ. The current ideas are that a 6ft x 8ft board comes in here and storage. This room will most likely be multipurpose for clothes making.
The ceiling in all rooms will have LED spot lights to give a bright light to see the lovely toys doing their thing, plus helps my eyesight.
Door to right leads to HQ and will be blocked up. The table will be central so you can walk around it. |
Taken from the door to the hall. Jess again placed for scale. The alcoves will be used for storage. |
The ceiling in all rooms will have LED spot lights to give a bright light to see the lovely toys doing their thing, plus helps my eyesight.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Wargames Eyrie - Hallway and HQ raw
Here are some pictures before the transformation in to the dream hobby space.
View from hallway looking to the rear. Jess has been added for scale. If it works this will be my view from my hobby station when I turn around. The left hand door leads to room 3. |
View from the HQ, which will not be too dissimilar from the view from the hobby station in the hallway when the en-suites have been removed. |
HQ looking towards the front from the other corner. Thoughts so far are for a sofa and table with a TV on the chimney breast.right. The hallway window is the same as this one. |
Monday, 22 December 2014
Wargames Eyrie raw potential
Back in September the thinking was that we'd use the rooms thus:
Room 1: HQ - library, computer station, display cabinets, family games, table for family games, lounge seating
Room 2: Games room 8ft x 6ft table
Room 3: Armoury - storage, paint station and 4ft x 4ft table for gaming and work bench
Room 4: Games room 12ft x 6ft table
The planning is still on going looking to start and complete in 2015. Living in the house and being able to see what the natural light is like, the thinking now is (with reference to the plan orientation in the photo):
Upper Hallway (left) - Hobby station - remove 2 en-suites and open hallway to become hobby station for painting and making stuff. Possibly display cases dependent on space.
The planning is still on going looking to start and complete in 2015. Living in the house and being able to see what the natural light is like, the thinking now is (with reference to the plan orientation in the photo):
Upper Hallway (left) - Hobby station - remove 2 en-suites and open hallway to become hobby station for painting and making stuff. Possibly display cases dependent on space.
Room 1 (top left): HQ - library, computer station, display cabinets, family games, table for family games, lounge seating
Room 2 (top right): Games room 8ft x 6ft table
Room 3 (bottom right): Armoury - storage, and 4ft x 4ft table for gaming and work bench
Room 4 (bottom left): Games room 12ft x 6ft table
Not yet decided but under discussion is the use of room 2 or 3 for clothes making/knitting.
I am currently researching what storage and display options to use. My wife's main criteria is that there is no mess (her definition not mine) on display. Her other suggestion is having the storage holding the table up on wheels so that they can be configured in different ways. She does know how to feed the megalomania!
Not yet decided but under discussion is the use of room 2 or 3 for clothes making/knitting.
I am currently researching what storage and display options to use. My wife's main criteria is that there is no mess (her definition not mine) on display. Her other suggestion is having the storage holding the table up on wheels so that they can be configured in different ways. She does know how to feed the megalomania!