Musings and ramblings of a wargamer who has decided to share my many photos of games played, shows visited and places of interest I've been too. I will first get all the photos loaded then I'll revisit and write up my notes, or more likely delve my memory. Plus over time I also want to write up scenario details of the games I've played and share new gaming ideas.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Battle Systems Kickstarter live 1st Nov
I am looking forward to the Battle Systems Kickstarter. I saw this terrain at Derby and spoke to the guys about their plans and it looks and sounds great. I like the fact the terrain is 2 storey and I can just click it together with out having to print it out first and assemble it. I'm lazy that way.
I can see Doctor Who, Blakes 7, 7TV, 7ombie TV and modern pulp playing on these easily. Well that's my plans for it anyway if I can russle up the readies. Swapping out the futuristic furniture I can see this being used as a shell for Victorian Scifi to Cold war games using the nice resin scenery that's available, of which I own a set of (in the 'I'll paint one day' pile).
The Battle Systems blog has more info:
Here's a pre-kickstarter look at the terrain I've seen below. I picked a picture from Battle Systems' blog as a taster. As this is a taster picture the kickstarter may differ so we'll find out what is included for sure tomorrow.