Musings and ramblings of a wargamer who has decided to share my many photos of games played, shows visited and places of interest I've been too. I will first get all the photos loaded then I'll revisit and write up my notes, or more likely delve my memory. Plus over time I also want to write up scenario details of the games I've played and share new gaming ideas.
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Great weekend gaming
I've managed to play a WW2 Villers Bocage scenario using Battle Group rules twice this weekend. Once against my regular gaming chum and once against eldest nephew. I'm pleased to say I won't 1 and lost 1, you can guess against who till I write up the AAR. Britain won both games huzzah! Although I think Wittman won his laurels in the second game played excellently by my nephew. In my role as German I got him knocked out half way through the game.